Posted on 3/5/2021

Bumper repair experts. Most times when a bumper is damaged, we can repair it. Replacing your car’s bumper with a new one can be more expensive. We will always attempt to repair your bumper. There are many different types of materials used in the making of bumpers. Different repair procedures are necessary depending on the type of material your bumper was made of. One other factor to understand when painting a bumper or any other panel for that matter is that the paint needs to be extender to the entire panel. The damage may be on one corner but the entire panel needs to be worked on. Common questions: Do I need to have my entire bumper painted when being repaired? Answer: Depends on many factors. The age of the car, the shape of the bumper, the location of the damage, and the size of the damage. How long does it take to fix my bumper? Answer: Typically, anything painted takes two days. BUT we have a system where we can paint a panel and be able to return the car t ... read more
Posted on 3/5/2021

Oil Change The oil change is the most basic of all services and it is perhaps the most critical. Not because the oil is the most critical but because what happens during an oil change. Now if you use a quick oil change service provider you may not be getting the full benefit of what a qualified shop can do for you and your car. You see when out technicians perform an oil change, we start by taking a short road test. When we drive the car, we are listening for anything out of the ordinary. This is standard and it helps detects issues of concern that the driver did not know where issues of concern. After that cars are inspected for the basic needs. We go through a list of about 45 items (all of them visual) this will alerts us if your tires are safe, or if there is any leaks of vital fluids. Also, we inspect the hoses and belts to see it they are good. Of course, we look at your brakes, your exterior lights, your wipers, any suspension components, and many more. Then of cours ... read more
Posted on 3/5/2021

Air Conditioning Most cars today are equipped with climate control systems. Some cars have a fully automated system while others have a manual system. The purpose of it is of course give you warn air in the winter and cold air in the summer. In California we use the a/c almost year-round since the weather here is not too cold. Also, in winter the days can be warmer inside the car. So, if your system is not working. We can definitely help. A lack of coolant or low coolant levels will prevent your heater from work properly. Not to mention a coolant leak can damage your engine due to overheating. So please if you see any leaks, it is always best to have your car looked at immediately. Air conditioner repairs are usually simple repairs. Many times, we find that the only issue is low freon content. We have repaired several cars that had either low levels of cold air (somewhat cold basically) or no cold air at all. Of course, if your blower fan does not work at all that wi ... read more